Verus Mortgage Capital Launches Loan Scenario Tool

Washington, D.C. – October 16, 2020 – Verus Mortgage Capital (VMC), a full-service correspondent investor offering residential non-QM and investor rental programs, has launched a new loan scenario tool on its website,

The scenario tool allows mortgage lenders to enter information including their borrower’s credit score, LTV, loan amount, property type and more. All relevant Verus non-QM loan program results will be displayed.

About Verus Mortgage Capital

Founded in 2015, Verus Mortgage Capital (VMC) is a non-QM correspondent investor backed by Invictus Capital Partners, a leading investment firm. VMC purchases loans in all 50 states and the District of Columbia and focuses solely on the non-agency market. It offers correspondent lenders a wide range of home financing products for credit worthy borrowers.

The Washington, D.C.-based company, with operations located in Minneapolis, has purchased in excess of $10 billion in expanded, non-agency loans since its inception. In addition, through its affiliates, VMC has completed 20 rated securitizations. Mortgage bankers can learn more about VMC’s investor products by visiting


5 Key Insights for Lenders on Non-Agency Lending

While there is some positivity in today’s housing market, pressure continues to be felt among mortgage lenders. According to the most recent economic forecast from the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), total single family mortgage originations are expected to grow to $1.8T in 2024 — up from $1.6T in 2023. The growth continues to come fromRead More

Non-QM vs Non-Agency 2.0 – What You Need to Know

For more than a century, homeownership has been the bedrock of the American Dream. And home mortgage finance, in turn, has been contoured by the path of American history. This evolution, frequently in response to and occasionally the cause of major historic events, continues to this day with the re-emergence of the non-agency 2.0 market.Read More

Verus Mortgage Capital was the Largest Non-Agency RMBS Issuer in 2023

Washington, D.C. – March 15, 2024 – Verus Mortgage Capital (VMC), a correspondent investor specializing in residential non-QM and investor rental programs, was the top issuer of non-agency mortgage-backed securities last year. In 2023, the non-QM sector was the largest subsector of the non-agency space representing roughly 40% of total issuance. A recent ranking byRead More
