Still Questioning if Your Company Should Originate Non-QM Loans?

Still Questioning if Your Company Should Originate Non-QM Loans?

Verus Mortgage Capital Explains Why Now Is The Perfect Time


The MBA is predicting a 9% purchase increase this year, and a 62% decrease in refinances. If that dramatic shift isn’t enough to make you turn to non-QM, consider this:


Need #1: Decreasing Profit Margins

65% of mortgage lenders believe profit margins will shrink in the 1st quarter and according to the MBA, mortgage margins have narrowed steadily.

Answer: Offering non-QM loans with the help of an experienced non-QM investor like Verus will allow you to expand your borrower base and, in turn, close more loans.


Need #2: Growing Self-Employed Segment

U.S. workers started almost 4.4 million new businesses in 2020 and QuickBooks projects as many as 17 million new small businesses could be set up in 2022.

Answer: Verus’s non-QM products allow alternative documentation, such as bank statements, enabling you to serve self-employed borrowers where documenting income can often be a challenge.


Need #3: Expanding Investor Loan Opportunities

Sales of vacation homes in 2020 were up 16.3 percent over 2019. And that market is expected to remain robust according to industry experts. In fact, in the first quarter of 2021, vacation home sales rose 46% year-over-year, according to, and home sales in general should grow 6.6% in 2022.1

Answer: With Verus, lenders can originate loans secured by second homes or investment properties that can be underwritten to property income.


Our point is, the market needs Verus’s non-QM programs – and you do too.

Verus Mortgage Capital is the largest issuer of securitizations backed by non-QM loans and the industry’s largest purchaser of these products. We have programs for self-employed, higher-balanced loan amounts (JUMBO), foreign nationals, investors, credit challenged, and more. And, we’re underwriting non-QM, Prime Jumbo Non-Delegated, and Delegated in days – not weeks.

For more information about the non-QM opportunity and how Verus can help you enter into this exciting sector, contact us today.


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